...I enjoy seeing the work of other builders and how far the hobby has come since I started building model cars in the late 1950's...a tube of Testors glue, 10 cent bottle of paint and a 10 cent paint brush was all that was needed then...a model could be built in a very short amount of time because there was no suspension or engine to contend with...just a few interior parts, bumpers and wheels, flames, four screws and it rolled down the sidewalk like a champ, and the kits cost $1.19
...what I especially enjoy about this site is the gentle trip down memory lane...due to life getting in the way recently, it has been several years since I have actually completed a kit, but I built hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them (still have them all) during a 40-45 year period of time...nearly every model car kit I see on here brings back memories of building one like it years ago, sitting on the back porch painting with a dried up bottle of Testors paint and a stiff paint brush while listening to Jan and Dean or the Beach Boys on my record player
...I always picked up the Car Model magazines on the news stands and marveled at the idea of having a model of mine in a magazine, I've had lots of real cars in magazines, but never a model, oh well, maybe someday ...I was amazed at the use of spray paints, "Funny Fur" and angora thread for interiors, cutting open doors and trunklids and of course Dave Shulkis and his work...sadly, all of my model car magazines from that era were destroyed when I left home for the military
...every red blooded boy in my neighborhood built model cars, taking a break only to ride our "Hang Ten" skateboards, ride our Sting Ray bicycles or race on my Aurora Model Motoring Track with the old steering wheel controllers (still have that stuff too)
...I've subscribed to Scale Auto for decades, and have every copy ever mailed to me plus a few older ones I purchased during trips to the Toledo Toy Show buying model cars, I have every issue except a couple
...great hobby, great site and again, thanx for the memories
Source: http://cs.scaleautomag.com/SCACS/forums/thread/970055.aspx
Roberto Bussinello Jenson Button Tommy Byrne Giulio Cabianca Phil Cade
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